
Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia

PT. Aneka Tuna Indonesia is one of the most prominent tuna processing company in Indonesia providing the best tuna quality for decades. Location in Gempol Pasuruan East Java. Now seeking potential candidates to fill for 

Corporate Planning Assistant Manager 

Qualification below: 

  • General Qualification : 
    • Age 35 - 40 years old
    • Education bachelor degrees or Administration, Industrial Engineering (preferable from reputed university)
    • Have experience at Food Manufacture for minimum 10 years in the same position o Have experience at Managerial minimum 8 years o 
    • Willing to work at Gempol - Pasuruan, East Java

Job Description 

  • Corporate Planning should be focus to improve the overall value and carry out various activities to achieve the best results. and ensuring that the efficiency is increased by eliminating the wastes and taking into consideration what are the things that will actually matter. Develop and initiate a program that will help in closing the gaps that have been identified, thus enhancing the company performance. 
    • Main responsibilities : 
      • Responsible to collect necessary info from each section
      • Analyze those info and make suggestion/ proposal for Company development
      • Monitoring each project progress
      • Monitoring what President Director instructed
      • Help communication between top management and each managers 
      • Involve company budget and implementation
      • Find the way how to harmonize each section activity
      • Responsible for leading and deploying the best lean practices to reduce the costs by implementing Lean tools and methodologies, achieving the manufacturing goals and objectives.
      • To evaluate various improvements that need to be done and create value analysis and to look out for ways to reduce the costs in the engineering and manufacturing applications
      • To confer with the senior management and other related personnel to create designs and to clarify and resolve any relevant issues
      • To give directions to help in preparing the layouts and detailed drawings that will eventually assist in improving the manufacturing processes
      • Support management employee motivation or grievance hearings, for company to be better. 
Pelamar harus benar benar memperhatikan kualifikasi dan syarat yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan.

Jika Anda tertarik mengisi lowongan kerja tersebut  anda harus menyiapkan berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan mulai dari CV dan persyaratan lainya.

Jika Anda yakin dengan persyaratan yang anda punya langsung saja kirimkan lamaran kerja dan CV lengkap Anda langsung dibawah ini 

before January, 31 2021

PT. Aneka Tuna Indonesia 

JI. Raya Gunung Gangsir - Nogosari, Pandaan - Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 

Bagi karyawan yang memenuhi syarat akan di proses lebih lanjut oleh HRD  PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia
Jangan lupa, kasih tau kalau kalian dapat informasi ini dari tim Loker Pasuruan 
Jangan sampai anda melewatkan informasi lowongan kerja yang terdaftar dari tim Loker Pasuruan

Informasi Penting !!! 
  1. Share Informasi ini ke temen, saudara yang membutuhkan, dengan membantu sesama semoga menjadi ladang amal ibadah kita semua
  2. Hindari loker dengan modus Travel/Penggantiian biaya akomodasi selama seleksi berlangsung. Serta sejumlah uang/transferan kepada pihak tertentu yang mengatasnamakan Perusahaan tersebut
  3. Cek selalu Website resmi Perusahaan tersebut
  4. Hati - hati terhadap penipuan yang dilakukan oleh Oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab
  5. Pelamar Tidak di pungut Biaya (Gratis)

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