PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia, Tbk. acz(SPINDO) is a steel pipe manufacturer which has the largest production capacity in Indonesia and is vastly experienced in producing a wide range of steel pipes/tubes and other related products. All of our products have succeeded in achieving both national and international certification standards. The product quality assurance process is verified against a stringent quality evaluation program, which is manifested in the success in obtaining international certificates of ISO 9002 and API5L. As part of the efforts to meet the internationally recognized standards,PT SPINDO, Tbk. continues to live up to a number of quality standards established by local and international accreditation bodies, including ASTM, BS, JIS, ISO, API, AS, UL and SNI.As regards the Company ’s customer base,it includes local industries and multinational companies operating in Indonesia,for example Total, Chevron, Honda, Yamaha and JSteel Australasia Pty,Ltd
- Max.26 years old
- Min.Bachelord egree in any major-preferable from Management, Industrial Engineering,Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- GPA >3,00 from reputable University
- Freshgraduate/ 1 year working experience as Sales
- Active in organization
- Having good skill in presentation, analytical skills,problem solving and leadership skill
- High motivated,high integrity and target oriented
- Fluent in English and Mandarin(addedvalue)
- Willing to be placed all Indonesia
- Male
- Max. 30 years old
- Min. Bachelor degree in any major
- GPA >3,00 from reputableUniversity
- Min.2 years working experience as Marketing
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Have a driver's license (A dan C)
- Active in organization
- Having good skill in presentation, conceptual thinking, problem solving and leadership skill
- High motivated, high integrity and target oriented
- Willing to carry out a business trip
- Willing to be placed all Indonesia
Jika Anda yakin dengan persyaratan yang anda punya langsung saja kirimkan lamaran kerja dan CV lengkap Anda langsung dibawah ini :
Subjek : Univ-Posisi yang dilamar
Bagi karyawan yang memenuhi syarat akan di proses lebih lanjut oleh HRD
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- Hindari loker dengan modus Travel/Penggantiian biaya akomodasi selama seleksi berlangsung. Serta sejumlah uang/transferan kepada pihak tertentu yang mengatasnamakan Perusahaan tersebut
- Cek selalu Website resmi Perusahaan tersebut
- Hati - hati terhadap penipuan yang dilakukan oleh Oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab
- Pelamar Tidak di pungut Biaya (Gratis)